206 (1998-2006)
1. Odszukaj numer tulejki na diagramie.
2. Numery znajdziesz w nazwie i opisie towaru.
3. W razie problemów z doborem skontaktuj się z nami.
- Use PFR50-410 and PFR50-411 if replacing the original rubber bush.
- Use PFR50-412 and PFR50-413 inserts with the original rubber bush to stiffen.
- PFF50-420 fits 1.1, 1.4 and 1.6 petrol engines (65mm).
- PFF50-420R fits diesel engines with a 65mm original bush.
- PFF50-306 fits 2.0 petrol engine (70mm).
- PFF50-306R fits diesel engines (70mm).
- PFR50-414 only fits models with rear stabilizer bars fitted.