Lancer Evolution VII, VIII & IX inc 260 (2001-2007)

( ilość produktów: 26 )



1. Odszukaj numer tulejki na diagramie.

2. Numery znajdziesz w nazwie i opisie towaru.

3. W razie problemów z doborem skontaktuj się z nami.


  • The Front Lower Diff Mount has 2 possible sizes. For 62mm use PFF44-107 and 70.5mm use PFF44-108.
  • Engine and Transmission mounts ending 'R' are for Road use and are made using our softer Yellow 70A material. For competition and race use, please use the Purple 80A 'non-R' part numbers. Increased NVH should be expected when fitting the 'non-R' parts.
  • PFF44-105(R) is used twice on the vehicle. It is used for the Upper Engine Mount as well as the Upper Gearbox Mount.
  • PFR44-120 does not fit RS models and those without AYC.
  • PFR44-420 fits RS models and those without AYC.

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