Az áruk egyszerű visszaküldése
A Powerflex 1996-ban alakult az Egyesült Királyságban. A vállalat nagy tapasztalattal rendelkezik az autóipari felfüggesztések terén. Ez a tervezési készségekkel és gyártási technikákkal kombinálva kiváló minőségű poliuretán termékek széles választékának kifejlesztéséhez vezetett.
Tű / vezetőcsap a Powerflex kerék rögzítéséhez a Audi V8 Type 4C (1988-1994)
Index: PF99-514-15
További információk (Ang): Available singularly to suit a specific vehicle or as a handy 4-piece workshop kit, our new PowerAlign Wheel Mounting Guide Pins are designed to allow the safer mounting and easy alignment of heavy alloy wheels on most common cars to use lug bolts. The individual pins come supplied in a reusable twist tube and the 4-piece workshop kit is supplied with a steel storage case for pride of place in your toolbox.Simply thread the appropriate pin size into one of the bolt holes on the wheel hub. The wheel can then be lifted and placed on the guide pin, and easily slid into place on the hub keeping the bolt holes aligned for other bolts to be inserted and tightened.This reduces the awkward and back-straining process of holding the wheel in place with one hand whilst lining up and threading in the first bolt thus, reducing the risk, hassle, and strain of mounting wheels.Proven using simulated and real-world testing, the new mounting pins usehigh-strength CNC-machined AISI 303 Stainless Steel, some 50% stronger than plated mild steel, to ensure durability and resilience in a workshop environment, and are supplied with colour-coded 3D-printedprotective sleeves for ease of identificationandanodised 2011-T6 aluminium caps to absorb knocks and prevent damage to the wheel, unlike others on the market.Please clickhereto view all sizes available and fora wider-reaching application list in the form of anew user-friendly drop-down search function.
Angol név: PowerAlign Wheel Mounting Guide Pin
Méret: nincs adat
Súly (g): 122
Mennyiség csomagonként: 1
Az autóban szükséges mennyiség:1
Eredeti szám: nincs
Garancia: egy életre
Speciális zsírt tartalmaz
The individual pins come supplied in a reusable twist tube and the 4-piece workshop kit is supplied with a steel storage case for pride of place in your toolbox. 
Simply thread the appropriate pin size into one of the bolt holes on the wheel hub. The wheel can then be lifted and placed on the guide pin, and easily slid into place on the hub keeping the bolt holes aligned for other bolts to be inserted and tightened.
This reduces the awkward and back-straining process of holding the wheel in place with one hand whilst lining up and threading in the first bolt thus, reducing the risk, hassle, and strain of mounting wheels.
Proven using simulated and real-world testing, the new mounting pins use high-strength CNC-machined AISI 303 Stainless Steel, some 50% stronger than plated mild steel, to ensure durability and resilience in a workshop environment, and are supplied with colour-coded 3D-printed protective sleeves for ease of identification and anodised 2011-T6 aluminium caps to absorb knocks and prevent damage to the wheel, unlike others on the market.  
Please click here to view all sizes available and for a wider-reaching application list in the form of a new user-friendly drop-down search function.