205 GTi & 309 GTi
1. Odszukaj numer tulejki na diagramie.
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- PFF50-215-17 / PFF50-215-17BLK replaces OE part number: 5094.42 and 509442 as fitted to 205 1.6GTI, 205 1.9GTI and 205 1.8XDT. Fits 17mm ARB.
- PFF50-215-20 / PFF50-215-20BLK replaces OE part number: 5094.36 and 509436. Fits 20mm ARB.
- PFF50-215-21 / PFF50-215-21BLK replaces OE part number: 5094.50 and 5094.51 as fitted to the 309 GTi. Fits 21mm ARB.
- PFF50-215-22 / PFF50-215-22BLK replaces OE part number: 5094.37 and 509437. Fits 22mm ARB.
- PFF50-215-23 / PFF50-215-23BLK replaces OE part number: 5094.40 and 509440. Fits 23mm ARB.
Első rugóstag felső tartópersely Powerflex poliuretán persely Peugeot 309 inc GTI (1985-1994) PFF50-230BLK Diagram száma: 30
65,03 €