9-5 YS3E (1998-2010)
1. Odszukaj numer tulejki na diagramie.
2. Numery znajdziesz w nazwie i opisie towaru.
3. W razie problemów z doborem skontaktuj się z nami.
- PFF66-205 bush is fitted on MY2000 models onwards
- PFF66-205 has 62mm O/D at the rear of the bush and fits from MY2000 onwards.
- PFF66-201 has 52mm O/D at the rear of the bush and fits pre-MY2000 models.
- PFR66-211-17 fits Aero models. For non-Aero models use PFR66-210-17.
- PFF66-221 fits manual cars from MY2000 on
- PFF66-221R fits manual cars from MY2000 on, it is softer and more suited to diesel engined cars.
- PFF66-222 only fits automatic petrol cars from MY2000 on.