Poliuretán persely Powerflex Audi A2 (1999 - 2005) PFF85-602GBLK Nem. a diagramon: 2

  • Poliuretán persely Powerflex Audi A2 (1999 - 2005) PFF85-602GBLK Nem. a diagramon: 2
Termékkód: PFF85-602GBLK
- méret kiválasztása -
229,06 €
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A Powerflex 1996-ban alakult az Egyesült Királyságban. A vállalat nagy tapasztalattal rendelkezik az autóipari felfüggesztések terén. Ez a tervezési készségekkel és gyártási technikákkal kombinálva kiváló minőségű poliuretán termékek széles választékának kifejlesztéséhez vezetett.

Poliuretán persely Powerflex Audi A2 (1999 - 2005)

Index: PFF85-602GBLK

Nem. a diagramon: 2

További információk (Ang): PFF85-602G offers additional +1 degree of caster and is a high-performance option to PFF85-602. PFF85-602G offers additional +1 degree of caster and is a high-performance option to PFF85-602. Aimed at offering greater precision with improved geometry for people wanting the very best from their vehicle. This new part, fitted to the rear of the front wishbone has a hard-anodised aluminium outer shell with one of our unique low friction polyurethane centre bushes. The poly/alu combination creates a low friction rotating bush reducing the forces acting on the arm. Lower arm deflection has been decreased by reducing the compliant material within the aluminium shell. Additional caster angle will give more negative camber when cornering giving improved tyre to road contact. Results are improved geometry when turning giving additional grip, steering control and feel with less movement in the arm under cornering and braking. In our Road Series Purple material, stiffness is boosted by almost 100% over the original part, whilst our Black Series part increases stiffness by another 100%.

Angol név:Front Wishbone Rear Bush Caster Offset
Méret: nincs adat
Súly (g): 723
Mennyiség csomagonként: 2
Az autóban szükséges mennyiség: 2
Eredeti szám: 1K0407183E / 8Z0407183
Speciális zsírt tartalmaz

PFF85-602G offers additional +1 degree of caster and is a high-performance option to PFF85-602. Aimed at offering greater precision with improved geometry for people wanting the very best from their vehicle. This new part, fitted to the rear of the front wishbone has a hard-anodised aluminium outer shell with one of our unique low friction polyurethane centre bushes. The poly/alu combination creates a low friction rotating bush reducing the forces acting on the arm. Lower arm deflection has been decreased by reducing the compliant material within the aluminium shell. Additional caster angle will give more negative camber when cornering giving improved tyre to road contact. Results are improved geometry when turning giving additional grip, steering control and feel with less movement in the arm under cornering and braking. 

Gyártó / Felelős gazdasági szereplő az EU-ban
Wojska Polskiego 4882-200 MalborkPolskasklep@inter-rally.pl
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