Poliuretán persely Powerflex Volkswagen Touareg 7L (2002-2010) PFF85-1604G Nem. a diagramon: 4

  • Poliuretán persely Powerflex Volkswagen Touareg 7L (2002-2010) PFF85-1604G Nem. a diagramon: 4
Termékkód: PFF85-1604G
- méret kiválasztása -
271,95 €
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A Powerflex 1996-ban alakult az Egyesült Királyságban. A vállalat nagy tapasztalattal rendelkezik az autóipari felfüggesztések terén. Ez a tervezési készségekkel és gyártási technikákkal kombinálva kiváló minőségű poliuretán termékek széles választékának kifejlesztéséhez vezetett.

Poliuretán persely Powerflex: Volkswagen Touareg Models Touareg 7L (2002 - 2010)

Index: PFF85-1604G

Nem. a diagramon: 4

További információk (Ang): Spacious, modern and comfortable are all words often used to describe theVW Touareg.But who would have thought that with an increasing appetite for past-times such as off-roading and 'Green-Laning' that this VW flagship would be starting to see more dirt than one would usually expect of a luxury SUV?With this, it has created a demand for products that raise the suspension such as those offered by our friends atForge OverlandandDarkside Developments.However, with no current provisions for camber adjustability on the upper wishbone, and a little on the lower wishbones, lifting a vehicle can play havoc with the camber settings resulting in a positive camber figureMade with ourBlack 95APolyurethaneand supplied with an in-house CNC machined adjustable sleeve and adjusting spanner, we are now able to provide+/- 0.6 degrees of on-car camberadjustment, allowing for your suspension to be tuned to counteract the effect of the increased ride height.This product isn't just for off-road vehicles, however. It is well documented that regular road vehicles suffer terrible tyre wear issues with some owners getting as little as 8 to 10,000 miles from a set of front tyres.Our polyurethane technology guarantees improved performance and longevity over the OE rubber bushes and with an impressive31% increase in stiffness, they provide a tighter and more responsive ride, whilst prolonging tyre life.

Angol név: Front Upper Wishbone Bush Camber Adjustable
Méret: nincs adat
Súly (g): 1178
Mennyiség csomagonként: 4
Az autóban szükséges mennyiség:4
Eredeti szám: Bush = 7L0407077 / 7L0 407 077 / Arm = 7L8407021 / 7L0407021B / 7L8 407 021 / 7L0 407 021B / Arm = 95534102702 / 955 341 027 02
Garancia: egy életre
Speciális zsírt tartalmaz

Spacious, modern and comfortable are all words often used to describe the VW Touareg

But who would have thought that with an increasing appetite for past-times such as off-roading and 'Green-Laning' that this VW flagship would be starting to see more dirt than one would usually expect of a luxury SUV? 

With this, it has created a demand for products that raise the suspension such as those offered by our friends at Forge Overland and Darkside Developments.

However, with no current provisions for camber adjustability on the upper wishbone, and a little on the lower wishbones, lifting a vehicle can play havoc with the camber settings resulting in a positive camber figure

Made with our Black 95A Polyurethane and supplied with an in-house CNC machined adjustable sleeve and adjusting spanner, we are now able to provide +/- 0.6 degrees of on-car camber adjustment, allowing for your suspension to be tuned to counteract the effect of the increased ride height. 

This product isn't just for off-road vehicles, however. It is well documented that regular road vehicles suffer terrible tyre wear issues with some owners getting as little as 8 to 10,000 miles from a set of front tyres. 

Our polyurethane technology guarantees improved performance and longevity over the OE rubber bushes and with an impressive 31% increase in stiffness, they provide a tighter and more responsive ride, whilst prolonging tyre life.

Gyártó / Felelős gazdasági szereplő az EU-ban
Wojska Polskiego 4882-200 MalborkPolskasklep@inter-rally.pl
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