Az áruk egyszerű visszaküldése
A Powerflex 1996-ban alakult az Egyesült Királyságban. A vállalat nagy tapasztalattal rendelkezik az autóipari felfüggesztések terén. Ez a tervezési készségekkel és gyártási technikákkal kombinálva kiváló minőségű poliuretán termékek széles választékának kifejlesztéséhez vezetett.
Poliuretán persely Powerflex BMW 1 Series F52 Sedan (2017 -)
Index: PFF5-1321BLK
Nem. a diagramon: 21
További információk (Ang): PFF5-1321BLK Upper Engine Mount Insert are a simple, but effective rod design made from our Black 95A material. They fill the key voided areas of the mount to restrict engine roll, providing the perfect balance of compliance and rigidity, making them ideally suited for your daily driven vehicle. As the vehicles age and simple upgrades seeing the2-ltrturbo engine push power north of 250bhp, the OE rubber engine and transmission mounts are showing their age, with cracked rubber and excessive movement.The effective rod design made from our Black 95Amaterial.Designed to fit within thevoiding of the original mount, these newinserts prolong the life of the OE mount by stiffening and limiting movement of therubber. This results in a moresettled transmission response during acceleration and deceleration, improving gear changes and reducing wheel-hop.Theyfillthe key voided areas of the mount to restrict engine roll, providing the perfect balance of compliance and rigidity, making themideally suited for your daily driven vehicle.
Angol név:Upper Engine Mount Insert Kit
Méret: nincs adat
Súly (g): 76
Mennyiség csomagonként: 1
Az autóban szükséges mennyiség: 1
Eredeti szám: 22116853446, 22116875630 / 22116875628, 22118743621
Speciális zsírt tartalmaz
As the vehicles age and simple upgrades seeing the 2-ltr turbo engine push power north of 250bhp, the OE rubber engine and transmission mounts are showing their age, with cracked rubber and excessive movement. 
The effective rod design made from our Black 95A material. Designed to fit within the voiding of the original mount, these new inserts prolong the life of the OE mount by stiffening and limiting movement of the rubber. This results in a more settled transmission response during acceleration and deceleration, improving gear changes and reducing wheel-hop. 
They fill the key voided areas of the mount to restrict engine roll, providing the perfect balance of compliance and rigidity, making them ideally suited for your daily driven vehicle.